Monday 9 December 2013

Tone and Themes


Industrialization: "All spaces are gridded", this suggests that the 'cities' that are well organised and planned.

Control over nature: "Anesthesia, amnesia, hypnosis" - It could be interpreted in two ways, either the poet is angry about industrialization and that he feels that 'the planners' are controlling what the people think and do which influences nature negatively. However, if we interpret this in another way, he could be implying that if we have give some faith in technology and science, we could find a cure for the diseases which come with nature.
"Even the sea draws back and the skies surrender" - He talks about how we are over powering nature which once humans deemed impossible to do.

Past vs. present: "the blemishes of the past", "fossils of last century" - They are trying to cover up for something that they had done previously and Cheung is unhappy about this, especially since he seems like he is trying to call them out on this and resisting the movement of industrialization and change.

Deception: "plugged with gleaming gold" - implies that 'they' are trying to cover their flaws by using beauties of nature even though 'gold' still needs to be refined through technology.

Western vs. Eastern ideas: "Not a single drop to stain the blueprint of our past's tomorrow" - This suggests a more Asian  culture where people have a collective state of mind and do things for the best of the society as a whole. However, this is contrasted by the western ideas of "mathematics" and science.
This also relates to how he is half asian and half western, where he feels conflicted between the two cultures.


  1. The second stanza is very dark, as it includes psychological and medical themes to increase the feeling of suppression and helplessness.

  2. 'The country wears a perfect rows of shining teeth'- making fun of the asian stereotype of how asians have perfect teeth and smiles- a mocking tone.

  3. The idea of Eastern way - working for the whole good and the majority good.
    'bleed poetry' --> the poet is not going to say anything about this to protest.

  4. While the Western people while protest about it and speak their mind

  5. The first stanza has a very graceful feel to it as it focuses on the conformity of nature, whereas the second stanza is a lot darker and focuses on the conformity of society, exemplifying the difficulty of changing our nature.
