Monday 9 December 2013

Language Analysis Stanza 2

Medical Imagery- 'Anaesthesia, Amnesia'
Medical/ Psychological Imagery- 'Hypnosis'

'All gaps are being plugged with gleaming gold'- 'gaps'- the flaws

'They erase the flaws, the blemishes of the past' - Plastic Surgery- makes you feel better about your self but at the same time you haven't got rid of them and you're only hiding them- losing full potential- 'stepping in to someones shoes'

'So history is new again' - building your own identity, a second draft

'knock off useless blocks with dental dexterity'- getting rid of all the irrelevant things, metaphor- a dentist pulling out your (bad) teeth.

'the country wears perfect row of shining teeth'- personification- 'perfect' and 'wear'- the outside is pretty but within is the complete opposite- wearing the perfect row to hide the flaws. Mention of only one country- individuality- standing out.

'hypnosis'- brainwashing, implanting an idea in your mind- changing the way you think

'amnesia'- forgets about the past- starting anew- getting rid of the old and moving forward, caused by trauma to the head-

'anaesthesia'- links to the pervious statement of plastic surgery, hiding the pain- hiding the flaws, anaesthesia is given to you a by anaesthetist.


  1. "Perfect, rows of shining teeth" shows how they look beautiful but they can be painful. "Perfect rows" gives an illusion of a cityscape, where everything is perfect, organised and nature is being controlled.

    "Drilling goes right through the fossils of last century" shows how fast we are using up our resources, links to global warming. Technology is growing so quickly that we don't need to rely on fossil fuels anymore. It can also show us destroying history and burying it deep underground where it can never be seen again.

  2. 'All gaps are being plugged with gleaming gold'- 'gaps'- the flaws are being ignored and just covered and hidden. "Gold" shows how beautiful and shinning it is on the surface but in reality it is cracked and broken underneath. It is what they want us to see and how they are brainwashing us.
